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Customization and Preferences

Customization and Preferences

Payment and Security

Payment and Security

In-App Messaging

In-App Messaging

In-App Messaging

In-App Messaging

For Users

Features for Users

For Nail Technicians

Features for Nail Technicians

Build a professional profile showcasing your skills and services.

List multiple services with detailed descriptions and pricing.

Manage appointments, availability, and cancellations.

Track your earnings and receive payments through the app.

Collect and display reviews from clients.

Virtual Consultations

Video Calls:

Users can have virtual consultations with nail artists to discuss design ideas and preferences.

Live Demos:

Nail technicians can demonstrate techniques and provide live tutorials.

Multi-Language Support

Language Options:

Use the app in multiple languages to cater to a diverse user base.

Translation Services:

Access real-time translation during consultations and messaging.

Analytics and Insights for Technicians

Performance Metrics:

View detailed analytics on your bookings, earnings, and customer satisfaction.

Business Insights:

Get insights into customer preferences and trends to grow your business.

Notifications and Reminders

Push Notifications:

Receive notifications for booking confirmations, messages, and reminders.

Email Alerts:

Get email alerts for important updates and promotions.

Accessibility Features

Voice Commands:

Navigate the app using voice commands for hands-free access.

Screen Reader Compatibility:

Ensure the app is compatible with screen readers for visually impaired users.

Customizable Text Size:

Adjust text size for better readability.

Community and Support

User Forums:

Connect with other users and nail technicians in community forums.

Help Center:

Access the help center for FAQs, tutorials, and support articles.

Industry News:

Contact customer support for assistance with any issues.

Professional Development for Technicians

Training and Courses:

Access online courses and training materials to improve your skills.

Certification Programs:

Enroll in certification programs to enhance your credentials.

Industry News:

Stay updated with the latest trends and news in the nail industry.

Appointment Reminders and Follow-Ups

Automated Reminders:

Users and nail technicians receive automated reminders for upcoming appointments.

Follow-Up Messages:

Users receive follow-up messages to rate and review the service.