User Policy

Welcome to Nails2U! We are committed to providing you with a seamless and enjoyable experience. To ensure a positive experience for all users, please review and adhere to the following user policies:

You will find here:

Rules & Regulations

Booking and Cancellation

Users are required to cancel their booking at least 8 hours before the scheduled service time to avoid any cancellation charges.

Service Time Modification

If you need to change the service time, please click the help icon for assistance from our admin team.


All users are required to make a prepayment for every service booking. This prepayment ensures a smooth and confirmed reservation.


When users cancel a booking, the service amount will be directly refunded to their linked bank account. Please note that platform charges are non-refundable.

Custom Service Posts

Users have the flexibility to create custom service posts by choosing the date, time, service type, and offering a service amount of their choice.

Custom Services Outside the List

Users are allowed to create custom service posts for services that are not listed by the admin. You can offer service charges based on your preferences.

Artist or Salon Selection

If you choose to receive services directly from an artist, the selected artist will serve you. However, when you select the salon option, the salon reserves the right to assign any available artist for your service.

Applicable Terms

Booking Accuracy

When booking nail art services, please ensure the accuracy of your booking details, including the date, time, and location. This helps avoid any scheduling conflicts.

Custom Service Requests

If you require a custom nail art service that is not listed on the platform, please send a request to the admin. Custom services must be approved by the admin before booking.

Booking Confirmation

Upon booking, you will receive a confirmation notification containing the details of your reservation. Review these details promptly to ensure they align with the agreed terms.

Modification and Cancellation

You have the option to modify or cancel your bookings in accordance with our cancellation policy. Artists appreciate your cooperation in accommodating necessary changes or cancellations.

Disputes and Issues

In the unlikely event of disputes or issues related to bookings, we encourage open communication between you and the artist to resolve matters amicably. Our dedicated customer support team is available to assist and mediate if needed.

Reporting Problems

Promptly report any issues related to bookings to our customer support team. We are dedicated to ensuring a positive and hassle-free experience for our users.

Service Quality

We expect artists to provide services of high quality and to adhere to the standards they have set on their profiles. Your feedback and reviews play a crucial role in maintaining service excellence.

User Reviews

You have the option to leave reviews and ratings for the artists you’ve booked. These reviews should be fair, respectful, and accurate, providing valuable insights for the Nails2U community.

Payment and Compensation

Agree to make timely payments for the services you book. Artists are entitled to receive compensation for services rendered, and payments should be made following the platform’s policies.

Customer Satisfaction

We are dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction by facilitating seamless bookings and maintaining a trusted network of artists. We encourage you to uphold these principles for a positive experience on our platform.  

Conflict Resolution

In cases where disputes or issues arise, Nails2U is committed to providing assistance and facilitating conflict resolution to the best of our ability. Our goal is to maintain a fair and trustworthy platform for all users and artists.

By using Nails2U, you agree to abide by these user policies. They are designed to enhance your experience while ensuring fairness, transparency, and professionalism on our platform.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team.

Note: These user policies are guidelines aimed at maintaining the integrity of the Nails2U platform. For a comprehensive understanding of your responsibilities, please consult the complete set of platform policies.