Privacy Policy

Nails2u is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding data collection, usage, and protection for both users and artists.

You will find here:

Information We Collect

User Information

When you use our platform, we may collect personal information such as your name, email address, phone number, location, and payment details for booking and communication purposes.

Artist Information

Artists are required to provide information including their name, certification, contact details, and service offerings.

Types of Information We Collect

  1. From Artists

Identification Information (e.g., Name, Contact Details) 
We collect this data to verify the identity of artists, ensuring the authenticity of profiles and enabling secure communication between artists and users.

Certification and Qualification Documents
To maintain quality standards, we request certification and qualification documents from artists. This information helps us verify their skills and qualifications.

Service Offerings and Pricing
Knowing the services offered and their pricing allows us to present accurate information to users, helping them make informed booking decisions.

Location Details
Artists’ location data is essential for users to find artists in their vicinity, making it convenient for users to book services nearby.

Payment Information
We collect payment details for artists to process payments securely, ensuring they receive their earnings promptly.

  1. From Users

Contact Information (e.g., Name, Email, Phone Number)
User contact details are collected for communication purposes, such as booking confirmations, updates, and support.

Location Data
We collect users’ location data to match them with nearby artists, offering convenience and faster service access.

Payment Information
Payment details are required for processing bookings and facilitating secure transactions between users and artists.

Booking History
We store users’ booking history to provide a record of past transactions and enable personalized recommendations based on their preferences.

User Preferences and Ratings
Collecting preferences and user ratings help us tailor the platform to individual preferences and maintain quality by highlighting top-rated artists.

How We Use Your Information

User Information

  • We value your privacy and use your data in ways that enhance your experience on Nails2U while maintaining transparency and security:
  • We utilize your provided data to facilitate seamless bookings for nail art services. This includes sharing necessary information with the chosen artist to ensure a smooth service process.
  • Your information helps us offer effective customer support. In case of queries, issues, or disputes, our support team can assist you promptly.
  • By analyzing user data, we continually improve our platform’s functionality and user interface. This allows us to provide you with a more user-friendly and efficient experience.
  • With your consent, we may send you promotional offers, updates, and news related to Nails2U. These communications are tailored to your preferences, ensuring you receive relevant information.

Artist Information

  • For artists, your data plays a vital role in optimizing your experience on Nails2U and expanding your reach.
  • The information you provide helps us create detailed and informative profiles on your behalf. These profiles showcase your skills, certifications, pricing, and services, making it easier for users to discover and choose you.
  • Artist data is used to manage booking requests efficiently. When users book your services, we ensure you receive all the necessary details to prepare for the appointment.
  • Your contact information enables seamless communication with users. This facilitates appointment confirmations, discussions about services, and addressing any user inquiries or preferences.
  • With your consent, we may use your data for marketing purposes. This includes promoting your services to potential clients and boosting your visibility within the Nails2U community.

At Nails2U, we handle your data responsibly, always prioritizing your privacy and security while striving to deliver an exceptional experience for both users and artists.

Data Protection

At Nails2U, your data protection is our utmost priority. We understand the importance of keeping your information safe and secure. Here’s an in-depth explanation of our commitment to data protection:

Robust Security Measures
Our platform is fortified with state-of-the-art security measures to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your data. We employ advanced encryption techniques, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems to safeguard against unauthorized access.

Protection from Unauthorized Access
We have implemented stringent access controls to prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing your data. Only authorized individuals, such as our dedicated security team, have the necessary permissions to manage and monitor your information.

Data Encryption
All data transmitted between your device and our servers is encrypted using industry-standard encryption protocols. This ensures that even if intercepted, your data remains indecipherable to unauthorized parties.

Secure Storage
Your data is securely stored on our servers, which are housed in top-tier data centers with enhanced physical security. Multiple layers of access control and monitoring are in place to protect data stored within our systems.

Prevention of Disclosure
We have stringent policies and procedures in place to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of your data. Our employees undergo regular training to ensure they understand and adhere to these policies, guaranteeing the confidentiality of your information.

Protection against Alteration
To prevent unauthorized alterations or tampering with your data, we employ data integrity checks and monitoring systems. Any suspicious activity is swiftly detected and addressed.

Mitigation of Data Loss
Nails2U employs robust backup and disaster recovery mechanisms to mitigate the risk of data loss. In the unlikely event of a system failure or data corruption, we can restore your information to ensure minimal disruption.

Compliance with Regulations
We adhere to all relevant data protection regulations and privacy laws. Our practices are regularly audited to ensure compliance with these standards.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement
Our commitment to data protection goes beyond implementation. We continuously monitor our security infrastructure and processes to identify vulnerabilities and enhance our defenses.

Your trust is of paramount importance to us, and we spare no effort in maintaining the highest standards of data protection. Rest assured that your information is in safe hands at Nails2U.

Sharing Your Information

We don’t share your personal information and data with third-party service providers. Although, we just share the basic details with our business partners to improve our services. Rest assured; your data will only be shared for legitimate purposes.

Cookies and Analytics

We use cookies and analytics tools to gather information about your usage patterns, helping us enhance our services and tailor content to your preferences.

Your Choices

You have the right to access, update, or delete your personal information. You can also opt-out of promotional communications.

Legal Obligations

We may disclose your information in response to legal requests, court orders, or to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically. You will be notified of any significant changes via email or a notice on our platform.

Note: Policy Flexibility

At Nails2U, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards in data protection and privacy. However, please be aware that our policies are subject to change. These changes may occur due to evolving legal requirements, technological advancements, or other unforeseen circumstances.

We encourage you to periodically review our policies to stay informed about any updates or modifications. Your continued use of our platform constitutes acceptance of any revised policies.

Rest assured that any changes made to our policies will always align with our core principles of transparency, security, and respect for your privacy. We appreciate your trust in us and remain dedicated to providing you with a safe and reliable platform for nail art services.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at

By using Nails2U, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of our platform signifies your acceptance of any changes to this policy.